
Thursday, January 31, 2019

To Give Account

Matthew 12: 16-17

But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.

Wow, we really must be aware of what we're saying all the time. 

My late husband had a horrible potty mouth before God found him, and that was helped the next morning after he was saved. But, decades later, when he was the president of his own company, conversing with other business heads about the machinery they needed, when he went on automatic, those words would slip out without his notice. When I called his attention to it, it was a big surprise to him! 

We all need to pay attention to the words and attitudes we allow to escape from our mouths. Especially if we were saved later, after childhood, after we created bad habits. 

It's not easy to pause in the heat of a passionate exchange to think about the words we are about to use in defense of our position. Even if the other party is attacking our persons and personalities, we must take the higher ground and stick to the issue with pure language. 

O my Father, please continue to help me, teach me to put a guard on my mouth and tongue, to carefully consider the words of my lips, before I say them. 

Keep me mindful, Father, of Your ways and Your way of seeing things. Give me Your eyes to see, Your ears to hear, and Your understanding to perceive the events of my life according to Your Truth.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Salted Conversation

Colossians 4: 6

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Conversation refers to our words, how we talk to one another. Words have great power--God's Word created, and our words are either life or death. 

So we must remember God's grace that He gave us in Christ, and extend it to our hearers. Grace, the good we do not deserve. 

Seasoned with salt--not only to enhance flavor, but also to preserve. 

So we need to think about how our words will be heard. Are we encouraging or discouraging others? Are we fracturing or healing our relationships? 

O my Father, please give me Your words; let me see others through Your eyes of mercy and grace; help me hear with Your understanding to perceive the wounds and hurts behind the words. Please teach me discernment between honesty and deception. 

Please teach me how to heal my family, or keep me out of Your way as You work as our Great Physician. Heal our relationships, and grant repentance to those who do not know You yet. Defeat our enemy's destructive tactics to splinter my family, and draw us all to Yourself. 

And You will receive all the glory and honor and praise for everything You have done in weaving Your great and beautiful Tapestry of Time. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Have Zeal, Be Hasty?

Proverbs 19: 2

It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.

Proverbs is such a good book of how to get along in this World. It has 31 chapters, just right for reading a chapter a day each month. 

Each chapter has so much advice, as I read it every month I get more insight that I never noticed before. 

This verse says that enthusiasm does no good if I don't know what I'm doing. And when I'm in a hurry is when I make mistakes and have accidents. 

So, for instance, I make it a point to never be in a hurry when I'm driving. I just remind myself that, even if the time seems not enough for the journey, I trust that I will get there in God's time, because He's never too early or late. So I have on occasion arrived just in time to be fashionably late. But I didn't miss anything I needed. 

This zeal without knowledge thing, though; how do I know when my knowledge is sufficient, before my zeal has waned? 

When I get excited about something and then try to do something about it right away, that can be a test to see if I'll have the patience and perseverance to do it right. I don't want to go off half-cocked, that results in a mis-fire. But I do need to do something, to begin the momentum, and as I proceed I learn more about what needs to be done and how to do it. Or I'll meet someone who knows. I just don't want to be in a hurry. 

O my Father, I pray that You would teach me more and more of Your ways, more and more understanding of Your rules, so that I will do the things You planned long ago for me to accomplish, the way You want them done. 

And whatever I accomplish, Father, keep me mindful that I can do nothing of myself, only in the power and wisdom of Your Spirit can I do anything at all. 

Thank You for all that You have given me so far, You have been so generous with me in all that You have enabled me to enjoy. 

Father, continue to help me, continue to teach me new things: new things in Your Word, new things I can do, new places I can go, new people to meet, new things to accomplish for the furtherance and promotion of Your Kingdom. 

Send out workers into Your fields, Father; send out Your Word throughout all the World to find all Your lost sheep, from every tribe and every language and every people group; and draw them all into the safety of the fold. Your Word will not return to You without accomplishing the purpose to which You sent it (Isaiah 55:11), to draw to Yourself all those whom You have chosen.

May all Your flocks all over the World come together into one fold in unity, Father, as Jesus prayed (in John 17:11, 21-23). And may You be pleased and take pleasure in all You have accomplished. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Wisdom And Fools

Proverbs 16: 21, 23

The wise in heart are called discerning, and pleasant words [make one pursuasive in] promot[ing] insruction.
A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and [makes] his lips [pursuasive,] promot[ing] instruction.

If I want to have any influence in others' lives, if I want to show how beautiful and wonderful our God is to the World; then I need to have wisdom. Not the world's wisdom, but true wisdom from the Designer and Maker of this realm. 

Proverbs 9:10: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the holy [One] is understanding.
So I must have reverential respect (fear) for the Lord God, then I will begin to understand the wise way to go, the words of wisdom I am to speak. Because: 
Psalm 111: 10: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding (or good successhave all they that do His commandments. ...
Just knowing them is not enough. It takes obedience. I must do what He says, if I want to have success in my endeavors. 

Jesus talked about two men who both built houses. Both were building a nice home to live in with their families, to fill with beautiful furniture, etc. But one paid attention to the foundation underneath it, and the other one didn't. So when the storms of life happened to both of them, the one house (life) withstood the tumult, and the other was destroyed (see Matthew 7:24-27; and Luke 6:46-49). 

The foundation upon which we build our lives is the determinate of whether we will succeed in life or be destroyed. Jesus prefaced both tellings of this story with saying that just knowing what He said was the sand under the one house, and obedience to, doing what He commands, is the rock foundation under the other house that withstood the same storms that destroyed the other. 

But I need to remember:
Proverbs 1:7: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction. 

 The Book of Proverbs uses the word "fool" for a person who is morally deficient, not necessarily mentally deficient. These "fools" can be very highly intelligent, even geniuses, and very talented; but they have no understanding of God's holiness and purity, which we see here as a high moral compass. 

They see nothing wrong with the most depraved and unhealthy lifestyles imaginable; yet judge godly people as hateful for not approving these disgusting acts. They are showing their despising of wisdom and the instruction that would teach them better. 

To deal with these people takes much godly wisdom. Jesus said not to cast our pearls before swine, lest they trample them and turn and attack us (Matthew 7:6), which has happened all too often, as we see in the press. 

But Jude says that we are to save them with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh (Jude 23). If this isn't hating the sin while loving the sinner enough to endanger oneself, I don't know what is. 

So, Father, I need Your wisdom in all that I do and say, whether in this blog or in my spoken words or in my emails and texts. Help me, Father, to think before I speak or type; think how the words I will convey will be received by the hearer. To think about the words I use that they will accurately present Your Truth and Your Love and Your Justice, Your mercies and grace. 

Let me break through the gates of hell that shield my loved ones from understanding Your wonderful ways, Father (Matthew 16:18). Give me pursuasiveness in dealing with them, and the victory in Christ through His precious Blood and my personal testamony of Your goodness to me (Revelation 12:11). 

And may we all bless Your holy Name. May we all worship You in Your holiness and majesty. May we all delight in bowing our knees before Your Throne, my God and my King and my Lord. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Romans 12: 18

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 

Well, this is the kicker. As far as it depends on me! I need to watch myself, I need to be the one who is in control of myself, because I certainly cannot control anyone else. 

I need to take great care with my words, to use words of Life; encouragement, appreciation. Not words of death; criticism, complaint, condemnation. 

My attitudes toward others need to consider what is good and pleasant and desirable in each one, not what I disagree with. 

O my Father, help me see others with Your eyes, show me Your image in even those who are running from You and Your ways. Let me perceive the beauty You placed in them in Your likeness. Help me see past the ugliness and harshness and twistedness, to see what You see in them. 

Then, Father, let me share Your words with them, Your words of hope, of miraculous comebacks, of Life! And work in their hearts, Father, to draw them to Yourself, to turn them around and give them a brand-new life, as You did for Saul of Tarsis, as You did for me! 

You are our God of Miracles! Every time You save someone, it is a miracle of grace! You heal our hearts, our minds, our bodies, when we do things Your way, when we obey what You tell us to do! 

Let me not interfere; keep me out of Your way, my Lord God. Just let me do what You would have me do, and step aside to let You do Your thing. Just let me say what You would have me say, and shut up! 

Then You will receive all the glory, all the honor, all the credit for everything You do. For it is You Who are doing and working out Your great Plan of the Ages using every individual choice, every personal decision of every man and woman. 

As Time marches on, it marches in step with Your timing, Father, to prepare for the culmination of this Age of Man, to march into the Earthly Kingdom of our King of kings and Lord of lords. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Human Spirit

Proverbs 20: 27

The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one's innermost being.

The spirit in a person is God's lamp--like a prism that directs His light into all the deepest recesses of a person's being. 

I think of the movie, The Dark Crystal; and it occurs to me that as the crystal in that story had been damaged, broken, and was therefore dark; so our spirits are darkened by our broken human nature, and cannot shine out God's light. 

When we are born into God's family, His Holy Spirit comes in and "heals" or "repairs" the "crack" in the crystal to make it whole, and then our spirits can function as God intended them to, in illuminating our whole life to His scrutiny and to our understanding of ourselves. 

My Father, Your Spirit shining through the prism of my spirit has brought light upon what I had formerly ignored in denial. 

O Father, continue to show me my failings, so that I can confess them and forsake them in my life, living a new way day by day, moment by moment--Your way of Truth!

Then my life can be an example for others to follow, as Paul said to follow him as he followed Christ. People tend to follow other people they can see, so let them see Christ in me. 

Then let me hear, "Well done!" when I face my Judge. 

And I will praise and exalt Your holy Name and give You all the worship, glory, honor and blessing throughout all eternity forever and ever!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Eyes Of The Lord

Proverbs 15: 3

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

God is always everywhere, because we are inside Him (Acts 17:28; In Him we live, and move, and have our being). So He is always aware of every person, every word we speak, every thought we think, every molecule that we are made of. He knows our attitudes, our physical and mental health, and every interaction that we have among us and Himself. 

There is nothing that we can hide from Him. So we might as well just be totally honest with Him and admit when we are wrong. When we realize this, we are humble before Him and let Him be God. 

Then we will realize that all His rules and precepts and commandments are all for our own benefit, so we can all get along and enjoy all the prosperity He put into this Earth we live on. 

We will build our World according to His Love, in loving Him back and loving each other as He loves us, and taking care of where He provided for us to live. 

But we as a human race will never do that until Jesus returns and sets up His Kingdom here, and enforces all His rules justly and timely. 

But maybe we can have our own little worlds operate more smoothly, as we live our own lives as an example for others. 

O my Father, I praise You for Your omni-presence, that You do see every detail of each of our lives.

I know that You record every detail of a person's live in the brain of that person, as well as in Your Book.

O Father, I pray for Your peace to be upon my house (my family, wherever they live). Please help us! 

We are all desperate for You, whether we realize it or not. Please open the hearts and minds of each of us to recognize how desperate we are for You! 

Draw us all to Yourself; forgive, strengthen, save, transform. Take us out of darkness into Your glorious Light! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Hatred, Love, And Forgiveness

Proverbs 10: 12

Hatred stirs up dissention, but love covers all wrongs.


V. 18

Whoever hides hatred with lying lips ... is a fool.

26: 26

Enemies ... whose hatred is covered by deceit ... 

8: 36

... All they that hate [Wisdom] love death. 


I John 4: 10-11

This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as the atoning Sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 

I Peter 4:8

Above all things, love one another with fervent love, for love covers a multitude of sins. 

Matthew 6: 12, 14-15

And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors. 
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. 

So what is hatred, what is love, and what's the connection with forgiveness?

Hatred has been called the opposite of love, as they are frequently contrasted. 

But both hatred and love can be very passionate, alive feelings. 

We know what love is by the way God has demonstrated His love for us, in sacrificing His most dear for our benefit; by sending His Son to take our death, individually, so His blood could wash us clean from sin, and God can now forgive us. So Love is sacrificial, to the end of forgiveness. 

God's forgiveness results from our being cleansed from every fault, made perfect, fit to live with Him in His home, Heaven.

So our love for one another must also require that we forgive one another. To refuse to forgive is to carry a grudge, which hurts only ourselves, and projects hatred toward the offender. 

John calls himself, "the disciple Jesus loved," and his letters lay out his understanding of the principle of Love. He says,  

I John 2:9-11
Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them.

So the one who forgives and does not carry that grievance, but lets it go; that one is walking in God's enlightenment. But the one who carries the grudge is still walking in darkness, and doesn't realize what they're doing, or God's great love for them. 

Forgiveness is the test of love. To sacrifice for and forgive is to love as God loves us. Anything else is just human love, or even hatred. 

I think the opposite of both passionate hatred and passionate love is apathy, no passion at all. God noticed that the church in Laodicea was neither cold nor hot: I would rather you be cold or hot. So then, because you are luke-warm (apathetic), I will vomit you up out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:14-16). 

(There's not much that makes God feel an upset stomach, but apathy is one. For other things, just do a search on "abomination.") 

O my Father, thank You so much for Your great Love! You have done everything you possibly could do to show Your Love for us, in drawing us with Your kindness, and sacrificing Your very best and most beloved so that we could be made fit to live with You in Heaven. 

You want us to be with You, as Jesus said in the seventeenth chapter of John: Father, I will that they also, whom You have given to Me, be with Me where I am, that they may see My Glory... (17:24). 

Teach us all how to love one another as You have loved us, Father. Show each one of us how to see one another with Your eyes, to forgive as You have forgiven us, and to celebrate each others' good qualities while forgiving and letting our faults slide into the background. 

Father, You have loved me with such great, passionate Love, that You call me the Bride of Christ, to be Your bride throughout all eternity; to have that tender, close relationship of a Bridegroom and bride on their honeymoon, lasting throughout all eternity, forever and ever! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Let Them Know They Are But Men

Psalm 9: 19-20

Arise, O Lord, let not man triumph; Let the Nations be judged in Your presence. Strike them with terror, O Lord; let the Nations know they are but men.

King David here writes of other Nations around Israel, but today he could have written of the inner machinations of a bureaucracy; extensive tenticles reaching into every part of the citizens' lives. Some of this government is good, but much of it is just to further the politicians' power at the expense of the people. 

Many of these men and women do not admit that they are mere men and women, but consider themselves as gods who are not subject to the same laws and rules as the rest of the people. They promote policies that they claim to be "for the people," but only serve to line the pockets of those promoting them, as they reduce the freedoms that the Constitution grants the populace. And in the process, they are destroying people, Nations, and economies. They are robbing the people, and the people are the frog in the pot that is being heated gradually--and the water is very near boiling, killing the frog as it sits contentedly. 

Wake us up, O Lord! Open our eyes to see what is going on! Raise up men and women who know You and understand Your ways to take over the reins of government and implant the policies that would be for the genuine good for the people, in rightousness and honest judgment! 

And Your Name will be glorified, honored and praised for Your great wisdom, compassion, and power.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Little Folding Of The Hands To Rest

Proverbs 6: 9-11

How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest--and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man. 

Proverbs 19: 15

Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless go hungry.

Proverbs 20: 13

Do not love sleep, lest you become poor; open your eyes and you will be satisfied with food. 

Proverbs 24: 33-34

A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest--and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man. 

As I read 20:13 I was falling asleep in my chair! And God repeats 6:10-11 in 24:33-34, because He knew I needed it reinforced! 

How many times have I sat down just to rest my eyes "for a moment" and fell sound asleep! 

How often have I stayed up too late and had a hard time getting up in the morning! How often have I "slept in" when I didn't have to go anywhere that day! 

How many days have I just schlepped around the house without even getting dressed! 

O my Father, You impressed me with this concept years ago, and I am still working on my ability to have the self-control to maintain some kind of schedule so that I won't waste away the hours and moments and days You give me. 

Father, give me victory over laziness and slothfulness. I seem to get better for a while, then fall back into it again, but not as bad. 

Father, before You came to me and redeemed me, I was trying to be a better person, but each time I fell back then was worse. 

Now I find that my relapses in this matter are not like the other problem I had before, that You healed me of, and I've remained healed. Now when I grow weary and want to sleep in, it's a one-time occurrence, not a continuous habit. 

And the days that happens are getting fewer and farther between. Continue to help me, Father. Show me each day the good work You have for me to do, so that I will be encouraged to be ready each day for whatever You have for me. 

Strengthen me, Father, to accomplish the tasks before me each day, to prepare for what is coming in days to come. Both the work You have for me to do, and also to lean on You when the hard times come. Help me to be fully prepared for both. 

Let my life be a good example to follow, to lead others to You, Father, and into Your ways. Let my walk agree with my words, so that integrity will hold me together. 

And You will receive all the glory, Father. You will be praised and honored and blessed by every tongue in all Creation; in Earth, under the Earth, above the Earth, and in Heaven, and throughout all the New Heaven and New Earth through all eternity, forever and ever!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, January 21, 2019

"Sin Not To Death"?

I John 5: 16-17

If anyone sees his brother committing sin not to death, he shall ask and God will for him give life to those who commit sin not to death. There is sin to death; I do not say that he should make request for this. All unrighteousness is sin, and there is sin not to death.

This has been a very enigmatic puzzle of a verse for me, that I have thought on and prayed about for some time. 

I can only think it means that if a friend has a habitual sin (an addiction), but they haven't died yet, then we are to pray for him. 

But someone who has already died in his addiction will not be resuscitated no matter how hard we pray for him, his earthly life is over. 

Since all sin leads to death, and no one gets out of this life without dying because we've all sinned; then this "sin not to death" must refer to someone who hasn't died yet. There is still hope that they will turn to God and turn their life around. 

I know that had God not found me and rescued me when He did, then I would have died long ago, because my lifestyle at that time was very unhealthy and dangerous. God turned me around completely that day. 

So someone who is continually committing a sin that will lead to an early death still has hope, because they haven't died yet; so we are to pray for that brother and share with him if we have the opportunity to talk to him, and God can rescue him, too. 

I have seen impossible situations miraculously turned around, when there was no Earthly reason it would be, when God stepped in and worked His wonders in the life and situation. So no one is too far gone if they haven't died yet. 

I've even seen an old woman with dementia and no short-term memory finally admit that she deserved death, and let Jesus take her place on the Cross one morning. And that evening, she remembered it as "long ago," because God put that decision directly into her long-term memory.  Nothing is too hard for God.

So as long as someone is breathing, God still has purpose for them, and can even save them. 

Don't write off anyone. Even in a long-term addiction, even having rejected God for many years, even someone with Alzheimers! There's still hope. Do not neglect to pray for them! 

O my Father, I know that You are Almighty God, You can do everything You want to do, no one can hinder you or thwart Your plans. You do everything well, you always finish what you start, and You will receive all the credit when this movie is over. 

You alone deserve all the glory, all the honor; You will be praised and admired throughout all eternity for Your greatness and Your goodness; for Your mercies and grace, for your patience and perseverance and faithfulness. 

Because You alone are God! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus! 

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Snatch Them Out Of Fire

Jude 22-23

And have mercy on [and convince] some who are doubting; save others snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.

What are we commanded to do here? Convincing the ones who are doubting and questioning, this is not hard to understand. 

How do we snatch some out of the fire? This seems to involve violence. 

Then on some to have mercy with fear--Zechariah's vision of Joshua the high priest depicted Joshua's sins as filthy garments. Is this hating the sin while loving the sinner? 

We need our thinking clarified on these things, to see with God's eyes to have His perception and gain His understanding of these verses. 

O my Father, how do I obey these commands? Please help me to perceive what You want me to do, and how to do it. 

Enlighten my understanding, Father, to accomplish Your will according to Your plan for me. 

Then You will receive all the credit, all the glory for all that You have accomplished, even in and through me. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Way Out Of Trouble

Ecclesiastes 8: 5-6

He who keeps a royal command experiences no trouble, for a wise heart knows the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for every delight, when a man's trouble is heavy upon him. 

I had gotten myself into a financial trouble when I didn't follow one of God's principles to not co-sign on a loan (Proverbs 6:1-2). I had made an exception in this case (Proverbs 17:18), but then later, this financial burden started to weigh heavy on me (Proverbs 11:15). 

That's when I found these verses, and God told me what to do. His wisdom gave me the proper procedure to follow (Proverbs 6:3-5), and I waited on Him for His time to execute it. 

My "royal command" was to pay all the bills I owe, even those that were only assigned to me secondarily (Romans 13:8). So I called the debt-holder to negotiate the liquidation of this debt. We went back and forth for several months, and I even had a lawyer friend lend his authority on my behalf. 

Finally they agreed to accept my payment of a fraction of the total amount in full payment of the entire bill. I was certain to require of them the proper legal document to prove the full payment of the entire amount, so that they could never again come after either me or the primary signer for any portion of it. 

This relieved both of us in this matter, and we could both rest easy now that it is fully accomplished. 

God's Word is so good! He has told us how to handle every kind of thorny situation, in a right and polite and honest way. 

There really is "a proper time and procedure" for everything to work out for our "delight," our good. 

Thank You, Father, for giving me Your wisdom to know how to handle every kind of troublesome situation according to Your good ways. You have already seen my path, You know what mistakes I've made that result in problems, and You have taught me some of Your ways that I needed to use in this wisdom to solve these problems, in a righteous and honest and complete and final way. 

Father, You are my Source of everything I need, everything I will ever need! You have given us this Earth and provided in it all we need to live and prosper here on it. You have devised all the mechanisms of how everything works together, and You have even shown us how to extract ourselves from the sticky situations we find ourselves in. 

Father God, You are amazing! You are fantastic! You are monumentally Glorious! Your wisdom is clever and even humorous at times! You provide fun and laughter, even as You give us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3). 

And You, Father, will receive all the credit, all the honor, all the glory for everything You have done. You will be praised for all Your good ways, and all the wonderful delights You lavish upon those You love, who follow Your ways! 

You alone are God, our Almighty King and Potentate; our Maker and Creator; and Every creature which is in Heaven, and on the Earth, and such as are in the Sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying, Blessing and honor and glory and power, be unto Him that sits upon the Throne, the Lamb, forever and ever! (Revelation 5:13). Amen and amen!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus! 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Set On Fire Of Hell

James 3:2 

In many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. 


James 1:26 

If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. 


James 3:6 

The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of Nature; and it is set on fire of Hell! 

This is a common problem among all of us. We use our tongues in ways that are good and bad, encouraging and condemning. We are so quick to use our tongues without even thinking first, on automatic. 

Our words pour out what is overflowing in our hearts, and what's in our hearts is put there by our attitudes, formed by our beliefs. Do we believe that our hearers have worth, that they deserve our respect? Sometimes our words deny that. 

Then we set on fire someone's self-worth or a situation, to destroy and decimate the good creation God made. How many of us see ourselves as worthless, because someone we respected told us so when we were children? 

How many situations spun out of control because of the hatred spewed forth? 

Our words have great power, because God made us in His own image, and His Word is Creative. So our words can also be creative, or destructive. 

That's why we need to be very careful to pause and consider the words we are about to speak (or write, or type, or text). If the words that automatically erupt are not beneficial to the hearer, then we need to examine our own hearts to find out what it is we believe, and what our basic attitude is toward that person or situation. 

Are we seeing them through God's eyes? Are we valuing them as He has set their worth? Are we aligning our thinking processes with His thoughts for us? 

It's not easy. Like James said, if any of us can be perfect in our words, then we can live a perfect life. But that's not possible until we are Resurrected, and our corruptible puts on incorruption, and our mortal puts on immortality (I Corinthians 15:51-56). 

So we all need to work on this, continually. I know that I have been aware of this situation for many years, and I have been dealing with this problem every day that I interact with other people all this time. I can't say I've made much headway--I still find it difficult to pause to think in the heat of a passionate exchange. 

But that is what is needed for us to consistently build one another up, instead of tearing down. 

And we also need to build ourselves up, using God's Truth about us. If we have a diminished self-worth, then we need to re-program our thinking to align with how God thinks of us. He loves us and values us with the highest worth, and when we see ourselves as He sees us, in His mercy and grace, and how He originally designed us to be before Adam sinned; then we will love who He loves, ourselves, and we will love others with His love. 

It is said that, "hurt people will hurt people," but people who know their high value will also highly value other people. We all actually do "love others as we love ourselves." 

Jesus was giving us a "new commandment" when he told us to love others as He loves us! He loves us more than we can imagine; without limits or conditions--unconditionally. That's how He wants us to love one another! 

Even if they have hurt us. Even those who hate us. Even the people who have destroyed everything that was good, when they were supposed to support us, that we depended on and trusted. Those wounds really gouge deep. 

That's why we are to forgive as we have been forgiven. Every one of us has done that to our loving Father. And He has loved us anyway, sending His own, precious Son give up everything good to take our place in death, individually, so we can be cleansed of all the filth that stains us, and be forgiven. That's how we are to forgive those who have sinned against us, even grievously.

Then we will have a handle on controlling our tongues. We need to be vigilant and careful and watch ourselves continually, while we still live in our corruptible flesh. 

God has given us His Holy Spirit to live in our spirits, to teach us and strengthen us and protect us. Let us avail ourselves of His help, and turn to Him in the midst of temptation in our words. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

An Appalling And Horrible Thing

Jeremiah 7: 23-24

But this is what I commanded them, saying, Obey My voice, and I will be your God and you will be My people; and you will walk in all the way which I command you, that it may be well with you. 
Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels and in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward. 

Jeremiah 5: 30-31

An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule on their own authority; and My people love it so! But what will you do at the end of it? 

This was the Nation Israel, and Jeremiah was lamenting how the people were suffering. He could see that God wanted to give them good, the bounty He placed in this Earth for their benefit. But the people didn't want God. They had a "better idea"!

So the Prophets, the ones who were to give the people God's instructions, gave them false "visions" that they made up themselves, to tell them what they wanted to hear. And the priests, who were to bring their offerings to God and mediate in their disputes, based their rules on their own understanding, instead of researching what God had said. 

These two constituted the government in Israel before they had a king. And were to counsel and guide the king in his rulings. 

But they were wrong. So they steered the people in the wrong direction, backward instead of forward. And the people lost the ability to prosper, lost the understanding of how God designed the Earth to function, and built their world on it defectively; so it didn't work. 

And the people were conquered and carried away to a far-away country as slaves. 

Today we need to observe their errors and consequences, and take to heart the cause-and-effect process they experienced. That should encourage us to search deep in Scripture for the basis of the bounty God put here for us. Learn from their mistakes, and determine to follow God in His ways, the ways He told us to interact with one another and with our environment. 

We need to understand the priorities God gives to all the elements of Creation, to count as more valuable what God values highly, and less valuable (but not worthless) the other parts. 

There is a system of authority that is intrinsic in all our World, and to recognize that hierarchy of authority and live according to it is what Jesus complimented the Centurion in Capernaum on as having "great faith" (Matthew 8:5-10). This soldier saw that Jesus had in the spiritual realm the same kind of authority that he had in the military: as under authority, and having authority over others. 

When our priorities get skewed and twisted out of shape, this is what happens. 

When governments and church leaders forget that they are under God's authority, they set themselves up as the final authority, and rule and teach their own ideas, which come from their own understanding, and are therefore in error, coming from our sin-nature. 

They want to have authority over others without submitting to the Authority that is over them. 

This results in governments imposing tyrany over the masses of people, imposing on them many rules and regulations that only benefit the ones in power.

And churches that approve of what God condemns as harmful to us, and goes so far as to excommunicate members for disagreeing with their demonic demands, and even for mere personality issues. 

O Father, thank You for giving us our Maker's instructions: the system of loving You and one another as the foundation; and all the particulars of the rules and precepts laying out how we are to do that--how we can consider other as better than ourselves, and how to worship You alone, giving You the honor and glory You alone deserve. 

O Father, I pray for all those who are in authority over us, whether in our governments, our employment, our churches, or even our families. As Your children, teach us to honor all who have power over us, to obey and live our lives in humility and meekness. 

And guide and direct those who are over us to submit to You as Final Authority in their ministry of serving all of us. Whether as king, president, governor, police officer, pastor, mentor, boss, parent, or whatever other position we/they hold, help us to live our daily lives under Your rule, and under and over others that You have given us to benefit us so we can help one another. 

Father, even in this time period I am living in, I have seen how You bless a people when their leaders are godly, and how as the moral tone of a Nation declines away from Your standards, we lose the benefits we had, and suffer loss and dysfunction and troubles and sorrows. 

And when the moral slide continues, Father, all Your godly children find themselves under persecution, as is already in the World now, and is spreading. 

Help us, Father, to be effective witnesses to Your Truth that benefits the whole World; and strengthen us to withstand the persecution, at whatever level, we will encounter as we do so. 

Continue to work Your Plan that You revealed to us in the writings of Your prophets, as You direct and control everything that relates to it. Continue to use all the acts of Your people, as well as all the works of those who reject You, as You bring this World into accepting the lie of the devil to welcome the One World Government that will attack Your people Israel and bring our Great King to defeat them! 

Even so,come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Lord And The King

Proverbs 24: 21-22

My son, fear the Lord and the king; do not associate with those who are given to change; for their calamity will rise suddenly, and who knows the ruin that comes from both of them?

And in the New Testament:

Romans 13: 1ff

Let every person be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

When Solomon was mentoring his son, he told him to give honor to both the Lord and to whatever king was in power, and to not listen to people who want to overthrow a sitting government for something different. 

Not long ago a man who was advocating "Change" was elected into power, and he decreed so much evil that the people decided to go back to the tried-and-true. Then all the wicked people throughout the whole government who remained after the evil politician ceeded his position tried to remove the new leader, as he was undoing many of their ruinous plans and instituting more righteous programs. 

The battle is ongoing. 

When Paul wrote to the Romans, he was telling them that the corrupt and morally bankrupt government of his time was to be honored and obeyed, and taxes paid, and given respect. He did not nullify the principle of obeying God rather than man (Acts 5:29), but most governing, even by unrighteous leaders, is not against God's commands. So we must be very careful in discerning when we can righteously disobey some secular law. 

If a precept allows something that is unrighteous, we have the choice to not do whatever it is, and to share with others how detrimental it is, in a gentle and patient way. 

But if it is a command to do something that God's Word expressly forbids, then that is when we must "obey God rather than man." But we still must refuse in a firm, but gentle and patient manner. If we allow ourselves to become hard, harsh, or condemning, then we have fallen into a trap. 

We must build our characters into the character of Christ; producing the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Jesus always displayed these qualities, even when He was reviling the evil religious leaders: we can read His harsh words, but we tend to not hear His tone of voice, which makes all the difference. 

So, obey God and the government, and don't listen to those who advocate change from either. Because both God and the government can and will bring calamity and ruin. 

O my Father, I look toward Your righteous Kingdom, in which Your will will be done on this Earth, just as it now is done in Your Heaven. Right now, in this Age, Your will is being done in our hearts and our lives, as Jesus said that the Kingdom is within us. 

But I long for the Day when our King will appear and execute judgment on this old Earth, setting up His Throne to rule, for a thousand years, then throughout all Eternity! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Throne Of Destruction

Psalm 94: 16, 20

Who will stand up for Me against evildoers? Who will take his stand for Me against those who do wickedness? 
Can a throne of destruction be allied with You, one which devises mischief by decree?

A "throne of destruction" is a government that "devises mischief by decree," it makes laws that promote unrighteousness and evil. 

Like the ancient rulers who decreed human sacrifices to idols, and illicit sexual acts in worship of demons. 

Or the official persecution of Jesus-followers. 

Or the permitting of the destruction of the most innocent, and the forbidding of counsellors to counsel anyone who wants to get rid of unrighteous physical urges, or to make legal what used to be "controlled" because it alters the brain, or decrees that Christian businesspeople must promote ungodly lifestyles. 

These are a few instances of the "mischief" which is "devised" "by decree." 

Every generation has its share of "spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12), and these are not just spiritual places, but worldly political places; governments. No earthly government is immune to these spiritual forces, but are particularly vulnerable to their influence. 

That is why "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." 

How can we stand up against these "evildoers"? What stand can we take against "those who do wickedness"? 

To start with, we need to remember that our fight is not with people. The people involved in these devisings have been deceived, and are victims of the devil. They are still very dangerous, but the power behind them is the source we need to focus on. 

That's why Paul told the Ephesians to put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand (see Ephesians 6:10-18). 

In a democratic government, your spiritual duty is to vote. In a republican government, your spiritual duty is to ensure that your representative is representing your views in their governing; or even run for office yourself. 

In a kingdom or dictatorship, your duty is to pray for your leaders, and promote righteousness in your own circle of influence. 

We all are to pray for our leaders, both governmental and spiritual (I Timothy 2:1-3, 8). 

And we are all to be living according to the Righteousness of Christ, showing the World around us God's goodness and compassion and kindness; encouraging those in our circles of influence; promoting the Kingdom of God in all that we think, do, and say in the societies in which we live. 

We cannot do this in our own human strength; we must rely on God's Holy Spirit Who resides inside our bodies in our spirits. He will give us the strength and power and ability to stand against all this wickedness and evil, and hold us up to stand after we've done everything we can do. 

It won't be easy, but with our hand in His, we can weather every attack against us with victory. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Pure Or Defiled?

Titus 1: 15-16

To the pure all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. 
They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestible and disobedient, and worthless for any good deed.

Those who know and follow the Lord can recognize what is holy and pure, and can see the good in everything God made. That's what they are to focus on. 

Those who refuse to choose God are refusing what is good and pure, so they only see what is worldly; what is defiled, twisted, or just plain wrong. 

Because we are all born into the Human family with damaged DNA, we all have a fallen nature, which Scripture calls "sinful flesh." This is what causes us to make poor decisions that transgress God's rules for us. 

Then, those who persist in defying God deliberately harden their hearts like Pharaoh did when Moses confronted him. Just like him, they will reach a point that God will give them over: Pharaoh to a hardened heart that led to the destruction of his whole Nation; people today to depravity and detestible things (see Romans 1:18-32). 

So this is all about our focus. Whatever we're looking closely at fills our vision and everything else fades into the background, whether our focus is on what is pure or what is defiled. 

O my Father, please continue to teach me Your ways. Help me keep my focus on Your goodness that You pour into every day. Help me to see You in everything I see, and everyone I interact with. 

Help me to always be positive, and not let the negative get the upper hand. Keep my words encouraging, especially with those I don't agree with, those who don't know You yet. 

Show me how to communicate with every kind of personality and belief in a way that is not accusing or condemning, but encouraging and drawing to Yourself, Father. 

Show me how to show Your Love to those in my circle of acquaintance who have so far been rejecting Your gracious and merciful offer of Salvation. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Narrow Gate

Matthew 7: 13-14

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

This is interesting. Why is it that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9), but only a few find this narrow gate. Why would this be? Why doesn't God just save everybody, since He loves everybody? 

What I have learned about God's character is that He loves us too much to not let us choose for ourselves whether we want to respond to Him. 

It must break His heart to see His loved human beings doing so much to hurt, harm, and destroy themselves and each other. 

What impressed me the most when God showed me Jesus on the Cross so many decades ago, is how much God loved me, to let Jesus take the death I deserved. I had been living my life totally against what I knew were His standards. He loved me anyway, and I knew I had been breaking His heart with my rebellion. 

It still amazes me that God loves even the most depraved mass murderer (like Hitler) that He would even save him, had he turned to Him instead of suicide. 

"The ground is level at the foot of the Cross," which means that God has counted all of us as under sin, deserving death, so that His offer of rescue is available to every single person, regardless of the depth of their sin. Jesus paid it all when God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us (II Corinthians 5:21), which means Jesus actually took upon Himself our very sin-nature; He didn't die for certain sins, He took the whole basket, and everything in it. For each one of us. 

All the sins we commit, from entertaining that random thought all the way to mass murder, it all comes from that corrupted DNA the Bible calls the human sin-nature. We are all born with that propensity to stray in our own way.

But if the gate is small and the road narrow, how do we find it while we're among the crowd on Broadway? 

We must want to find it. We must realize how much we need God, that we can't do it on our own. That's why only a few find it. A few compared to the masses on the broad road that everyone else is on. 

Most people think that, I'm Okay, You're Okay, so I just need to deal with it or deny it or forget about it, and I'll be all right. They don't want to face the "bad news" that they are headed for destruction, so that they can turn to the "Good News" that Jesus paid their debt to God. If they don't think they have a debt, they won't look to see how to pay it. So they'll end up paying it for all eternity. Ignorance isn't bliss, it's deadly. 

So if "only a few" of the billions are saved, I see in Revelation that they amount to an uncountable number! (5:9-11, read on through verse 14) They sang a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the Book, and to open the seals of it; for you were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your Blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and Nation; and have made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the Earth. And I looked and heard the voice of many around the throne and the Beasts and the Elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands. This is the largest number available to John, and it wasn't near enough.

Those who have been redeemed by Jesus' Blood are the only ones qualified to sing this "New Song," because Jesus became human to save humans. No angels or cherubim or aliens can sing this song, because they are not human. 

You and I are human, so this great Salvation and Redemption is free for each one of us human beings, if only we would want it. It all starts in our will. If we will open our options to let God in, that's the beginning of our finding that small door that leads along that narrow path. 

This narrow path is hemmed in; the word refers to a road lined by walls or hedges or some such, so that you cannot wander off of it, but follow it to its end. 

O my Father, I trust Your wisdom and goodness. I do not understand why You would create so many billions of Mankind, and yet save only a few! 

And yet the "few" turn out to be myriads and myriads, a number beyond counting! 

I thank You, Father, that You set my feet on that narrow road, hemmed in on both sides. I want never to turn to the right hand nor to the left, never to run ahead nor lag behind You, never to wander off nor pull away. 

Thank You that I can trust You to never let go of my hand, that Your Light brightens my path, so I can avoid all the stumbling stones and pitfalls. 

Thank You for Your Spirit living in my spirit, to lead and guide me, to give me knowledge and understanding, to guard me from the wiles of the devil, the draws of the World, and the weaknesses of my own flesh. 

Dear Father, continue to draw me ever closer to Yourself, every moment of every day, that I may be seen as in You; that those who look at me would see You, in Your sweetness and gentleness and graciousness and kindness; and not me in my frail flesh. 

May my tiny thread in Your great Tapestry of Time shine brightly with Your Light against the black velvet of evil all around me. 

And every creature which is in Heaven, and on the Earth, and under the Earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying, Blessing and Honor and and Glory and Power be unto Him Who is sitting on the Throne, unto the Lamb forever and ever. 
And the four Beasts said, Amen! And the twenty-four Elders fell down and worshipped Him Who lives forever and ever.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Stop Living Like The World!

Colossians 3: 1-11

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 
When Christ, Who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

Since you died, also put to death all the things that pertain to your Earthly nature:
Sexual immorality--fornication (sex outside of marriage);
Lust--inordinate affection (lustful longing);
Evil desires--evil concupiscence (ardent, sensuous longing for what is evil);
and Greed--covetousness (wrongly desirous of others' wealth or possessions),
which is Idolatry--(proritizing worldly things over God).

Because of these things the wrath of God is coming on the children of disobedience. 

And you also used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived, before you were saved.
But now you must also rid yourselves of all the things like these:
Malice (desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another),
Slander, blasphemy (cursing, using God's Name inappropriately, attributing God's qualities or authority to self or other),
and filthy language from your mouth (cussing, using "dirty words").

Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge into the image of its Creator.

Paul is writing to the Christians in the City of Colosse, where he had established the church, and he knew these people. He knew that it was a very wicked city, and these Christians once were part of that evil society.

Now he's telling them that they don't need to conform to the ways of their society any more, because they have New Life in Christ; and now have the Holy Spirit's power to be able to live better lives, different from what they used to do.

Here (in God's family) there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free; but Christ is all and is in all.

So there is to be no prejudice against a brother or sister for genetic descent, for geographical origin, for cultural background, or for societal position.

Paul is also writing to us. We also, who have been placed into the Body of Christ, should also consider ourselves as set apart from all these worldly attitudes. 

We also, like the Colossians, need to stay away from all sexual improprieties; any act or desire that conflicts with God's good intent for our bodies--the intimacy of a husband and wife within the shelter of marriage, given to no other. 

And our minds are to be conformed to the thoughts God has for us, to consider others as God sees them: as fellow family members, or as sinners who need God's mercy and grace to be brought into His family. That's the only difference God sees.

So we need to take care that our attitudes and words not disparage either God or the person God made in His image. God values us at a very high worth, so we are to respect ourselves in not permitting any kind of filthy or slandrous words to form or be expressed, also showing respect for the worth of the hearers.

We need to remember that we have taken off the old man and have put on a new man that is holy, separated and washed clean from all evil and filth, and is being made more and more like Christ in knowing and doing things His way.

The more we learn of Who God is and His ways and thoughts, the better we will know Him and we will love Him back in response to the great Love wherewith He has loved us. And we will also love what and who He loves: primarily, Mankind. All of us. Every one of us, as children of Adam, in need of God's goodness. 

God loves everything He made; the order He placed in the Universe is His love for it. He made this Earth for us, and put into it everything we need to live here. Then He made us of it (our bodies are made of all the same elements as the Earth, in the same proportions--Science), and gave us His rules for living here so that we could enjoy it's abundance. 

And He sent His Son so we could face our sinful condition and let Him cleanse us of all the sinful filth by taking our paycheck, death, on His altar, the Cross; then giving us New Life as His Holy Spirit takes up residence in our spirits, making us God's own children in His family. That's why it's called a New Birth (see John 3:3-8). 

And we who have been born into God's family need to think like our Father and live our lives here as His children with His values, not like those of the World around us. 

And His Spirit in us will help us to do that. We only need to be willing to let Him change us, instead of those around us, or the World we live in. 

That's why God will receive all the credit, all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise from every creature He has created (see Isaiah 45:34, Romans 14:11-12, Philippians 2:10-11, and Revelation 5:13-14). 

Because He thought it all up, designed it, planned how it would all work out, then made it and worked it all out according to His plan, and finished everything perfectly, justly, fairly, generously, and completly. He got it done. 

We are still in the midst of it, so we can look at history and where we are now, but we need to understand His Word to see how it will all work out. 

He laid out how all the Nations would proceed from Daniel's day all the way to today. 

And He gave all the sacrificial laws to show what Jesus would accomplish on our behalf, and how He would do it as the Lamb of God. 

So we can trust God to tell us everything we need to know to live here with one another, to seek Him for rescue, and to reward us generously for what He enables us to do in His power. 

And also trust Him to display His Love for us by righteously judging all that works against His good, and hurts, wounds and damages those He loves. 

Since He loves all of us, He is patient with us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9). 

He is also a Gentleman, so He won't force Himself on anyone. 

Whoever refuses to be willing to come to Him doesn't want anything of God; so since God is good, they have refused goodness, God is Beauty so they prefer ugliness, God is Light so they run to the darkness. 

Everything God is, He is the Source, He is the Standard. So when they refuse God, they are left with emptiness and nothingness; pain and sorrow and dispair. Not what God wants, but what they have freely chosen. 

O my Father, thank You for everything You are! Thank You for Your great Salvation from sin and Redemption from death. 

Thank You for Your justice and fairness to grant even what You don't want, to those who have freely chosen it. 

Thank You for Your generosity in offering release to all Mankind. 

Thank You for Your patience, for Your faithfulness, for Your steadfastness, for Your constancy in not ever changing; so we can fully trust You to always be You, regardless of the circumstances and situations we may find ourselves in.

I know, Father, that You have my back, and no weapon, physical, mental, or psychological, that is formed against me will be successful (Isaiah 54:17). 

Keep me close at Your side, my Father; Your protection over me, Your arm around my shoulders and Your hand over my mouth. Teach me more of Yourself, Father, that I can love You more and serve You better each day. 

And I will be in that numberless throng praising and honoring and giving glory to You forever!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!