
Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Human Spirit

Proverbs 20: 27

The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one's innermost being.

The spirit in a person is God's lamp--like a prism that directs His light into all the deepest recesses of a person's being. 

I think of the movie, The Dark Crystal; and it occurs to me that as the crystal in that story had been damaged, broken, and was therefore dark; so our spirits are darkened by our broken human nature, and cannot shine out God's light. 

When we are born into God's family, His Holy Spirit comes in and "heals" or "repairs" the "crack" in the crystal to make it whole, and then our spirits can function as God intended them to, in illuminating our whole life to His scrutiny and to our understanding of ourselves. 

My Father, Your Spirit shining through the prism of my spirit has brought light upon what I had formerly ignored in denial. 

O Father, continue to show me my failings, so that I can confess them and forsake them in my life, living a new way day by day, moment by moment--Your way of Truth!

Then my life can be an example for others to follow, as Paul said to follow him as he followed Christ. People tend to follow other people they can see, so let them see Christ in me. 

Then let me hear, "Well done!" when I face my Judge. 

And I will praise and exalt Your holy Name and give You all the worship, glory, honor and blessing throughout all eternity forever and ever!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

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