
Thursday, December 21, 2023

When the World Turned Upside Down

 I am writing a new book, a dystopian thriller mystery, based on the book of Revelation, titled, When the World Turned Upside Down

I have charted the book of Revelation, and I see it coming to life today in the world. 

So I hope my book will shine some light on what God has told us in this book. He said that we would be blessed if we read it, and keep the things in it. 

Be watching for it on Amazon, as I self-publish there. 


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Book Studying Through II Corinthians

 Hello, Readers,

I am writing another book, on II Corinthians, to be a companion to Why Christianity Isn't Working For You, my 40-day walk through I Corinthians.

Those of you who have studied II Corinthians, I would appreciate your ideas on what i should name this volume. You may do this by commenting on this blog entry. 

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope it has helped you to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Will the Rapture be Pre, Mid, or Post Tribulation?

I have published my fourth book, a quick read, for it doesn't have enough pages to have a spine, so it cannot be a hardback book, or even a paperback. It is downloadable on Amazon, and if you don't have a Kindle, you can have a free Kindle Cloud account and read it online. 

 There is evidence in Scripture to support all three Rapture positions that Christians have proposed: Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation, and Post-Tribulation. 

I have researched and gathered the Scriptures that support all three of these positions, and have found that there is more for some and less for others. This has influenced me in my position. 

As you read this, be open-minded and in prayer concerning God's actual Truth of the timing of this event, and know that if He doesn't come before the Tribulation, then He could come mid-way. And if He still doesn't come at the mid-point, then he will come when it's almost over. I say almost over, because we must be Raptured before His Second Coming, because we will be coming with Him, wearing our white robes and riding our white horses following Him. 

And very eye shall see, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus of Nazareth is our Lord God Almighty, Son of our God the Father Almighty, who will Return Soon to  set up His Kingdom on this Earth. To Whom all glory belongs.

Even so, come Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Real Armageddon Coming Soon, Are You Prepared?

 My third book is now Published! You may click on the link and get this well-researched manuscript right now. 

 Jesus is coming soon, and we are told that we will recognize who the Antichrist is before we are raptured, and the saints are told to persevere throughout all seven years of the Tribulation and Great Tribulation.

You can download this book onto a free online Kindle Cloud Reader. 

 You can click on the image, or go to to read why I say these things. 

I was taught the same as you, but my personal bible studies under the leadership of God's Holy Spirit led me to go deeper than what I had been taught by others, and to connect a lot of the dots connecting pieces of the puzzle of God's Great Plan of the Ages. 

God has told us what to expect, so that we will be prepared to face it all without being shocked or freiked out with all that Satan is leading his people to do. 

We need to prepare to survive, helping others also, and growing strong in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, wearing His armor, and continually ready to join the uncountable number of the martyred. 

May God bless you with all the spiritual benefits He has planned for you. 

And all the glory will go to our gracious and merciful Lord God, King Jesus, and His loving Father, and their living Holy Spirit!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

My Third Book

You may download my series, The End Days of the End Days, on Amazon, walking through the Book of Revelation the way God has shown me to understand it, with support from other Books of the Bible. 

Now I'm writing this series into a book! I believe we may already be in the 7 years of Tribulation, and I am adding today's events, and pairing them to the Scriptures. 

 I'm just waiting on the cover to be right to be able to publish it! It's been an exciting journey going through the Bible for the relevant Scriptures; I've quoted from 30 of the books! God sure told us a lot about what's ahead! 

 The title of the book is: The Real Armageddon Coming Soon, Are You Prepared? 

 As soon as it is available, I'll post it here on my blog. Thank you, all of you around the world, for following my blog. My prayer is that it has helped you to know our Lord better, and understood how precious you are to Him, too. 

 You may share anything I have put on this blog with others, freely. And to print them out to distribute, in whatever language your hearers understand. Every Christian needs to share the Seed of the Gospel, letting everyone know how much our Father loves each one of us. And how Jesus left His glory in Heaven to become one of us humans on this broken Earth, so He could fit us to be with Him in His glory! (See John 17:24). Jesus loves us more than we can imagine, but He also likes us; the joy that helped Him endure the Cross was knowing that it was letting us actually be with Him! 

And He is coming soon! 

If you would like to preview my book, and leave a review when it publishes, then Direct Message me, and I'll email you a PDF copy. 

 Even so, come soon, Lord Jesus!






Saturday, August 7, 2021

The End Days Of The End Days Series Complete


Now that the series is complete, you may download all nine chapters here. The series is The End Days of the End Days, that I published one chapter at a time, so that it would be available to all who need to know, to prepare for what is coming and be ready for it. Since the series is finished, and chapters 2 through 7 are all happening together, overlapping one another, you need to see the whole story to understand it. So I have deleted the single-chapter blog entries.

As a homeowner, if I'm preparing for a flood, I may have a boat on hand, but I may not think to get a fire extinguisher. We need to be expecting what God has told us is coming, and not be shocked or dismayed by it, thinking that He has left us. 

He will never leave, He's promised, and He always keeps His promises. Even when we don't see or feel Him, He still has us all in His hand, and is working His Great Plan of the Ages! 

He wants us to expect what is coming, be prepared for it as it unfolds, and help one another to survive, sharing and hiding from the evil people, as Proverbs 28:28 says that When the wicked rise, men hide themselves, always ready to join the uncountable number of the martyred.

I plan to update these chapters into a book, so be looking for it. But I want you to have this information now, so you can start to prepare. Sooner is better than later. Get this series now, to begin to make plans (like in the Left Behind series), and make preparations. 

Don't wait--we may already be in the first three and a half years already. 

Grow strong in the Lord and in the might of His power, putting on the Armor of God each day in order to fight the good fight, and having done all, to stand. 

And I will meet you on the other side, with our Lord and King!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

I wrote these books and published them with help. Everyone has a story to tell. If you would like to try your hand at writing your story, you can get this free resource to learn how to write it:

For even more free help in writing your story, you can also go here: 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

From Darkness To God's Light Published

My novel, From Darkness to God's Light, based on my own story, is now published! This story shows how powerfully God wants to work in a person's life, when they sincerely seek Him and want to follow His ways! 

This book follows Babs as she sinks deeper into the darkness of sin, trapped and unable to help herself. Then God shows up and miraculously delivers her from this moral slavery as He brings her into His Light of understanding, and her whole life turns around! 

You may read this miraculous and adventurous book on Amazon, at You can also get this novel at other bookstores, on request. 

To see a preview, you can read the beginning of the story here

Then get your own copy of this book, and share this opportunity with your friends. 

And you may go back and read any of these Bible study blog entries that I have posted over the years. I think I've at least touched on about every Book in the Bible, and they're all titled, so read whatever interests you. 

May God bless you and help you to grow in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!