
Saturday, March 31, 2018

God's Victory Through Jonah

Jonah 3 & 4

Now God again tells Jonah to preach in Nineveh, and this time he obeys. 

Nineveh is a huge city, so big that a visit would take three days to just hit the highlights. Jonah was no tourist, he entered the city gates and began to preach right off: Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned. 

I can imagine that Jonah's startling appearance among these middle-Easterners got their attention, so they all heard his street-evangelism. So the Ninevites believed God, they declared a fast, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth. When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat down in the dust. Then he issued a proclamation: ...

When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He had compassion and did not bring on them the destruction He had threatened. 

You would expect that a preacher whose message brought an entire city to its knees to be overjoyed. But Jonah became outraged and depressed. Why?

Jonah complains to the Lord that this is why he tried to run away. I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God Who relents from sending calamity. 

But the Lord replied, Have you any right to be angry? 

Jonah didn't answer God's question, but just went out & sat down to just see what would happen to the city. 

So God causes a vine to grow up beside him to shade him in the bright sunlight, but takes it away the next day. Then he complains again.

So God said to Jonah, Do you have a right to be angry about the vine? 

And he answers this time, I do, I'm angry enough to just die! 

He's not really angry about the vine, he's mad at God! He wants these horrible people to be destroyed, as they deserve. He wants to see God's vengeance satisfied on them. They've been mean and cruel, and he wants them to pay. 

But God relented. God gained the victory, even though Jonah didn't want to recognize it. God will always relent, because He will do what He says He will do. Always. Destruction is voluntary. Even when we deserve trouble, pain, and death, if we will only turn around our thinking (repent) and confess and forsake our rebellious and unloving ways, God will always relent and instead forgive. 

That's our God. He will extend His vengeance upon those who refuse to repent, because He is just, and we all deserve punishment, we all owe God that eternal debt that we can never pay off. And He did destroy Nineveh, a couple of generations later, when they refused to repent.

That's why Jesus came. Even before He created anything, He knew that He would need to come and be with us, so that He could pay our debt and cleanse us, to make us able to be with Him where He is.

That's how much God loves us. Jesus refers to Jonah's "three days and three nights in the belly of the fish" as an historical event that really happened, and as an illustration of the three days Jesus will spend in the Tomb (Matthew 12:40). 

Today (Saturday) is the day we remember that Jesus is in the tomb. Actually, His body lay in the tomb, He is elsewhere. (See my blog for April 17, 2017 to find out where He was and what He was doing.) 

This book of Jonah ends with this question: Shall I not be concerned for this great city? Should we not be concerned for all the people who have never heard about our God? 

God's plan for this Earth was to put Mankind here, redeem him when he'd gone astray, and fit him to spend Eternity with his Maker and Creator. God loves what He made, and He wants all of us to realize how much He loves us. 

We who know Him are charged to "Go and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." But we don't have to do it alone, He promised, "I am with you always, to the very end of the age." He will be continually, uninterruptedly with each of us as we obey His Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20.)

O my Father, thank You so much for Your love for all Mankind! Even though we rebel against You and believe the enemy that we don't need You; You still reach out to each of us to grant us the faith to believe You instead of being deceived. Thank You for Your wisdom and strength and sovereignty to do whatever You want to do; and what You want to do is for our good, because You are good, and I can trust You to always have my best in mind, even when life is not going as I would want. 

I know that Your love for me is beyond anything I can imagine, and the hard times that press on me is just You making a diamond out of the dust that I am. Keep me, Father, securely in Your hand, send me out to those who have never heard Your Name. Let me be one of Your diamonds that show the World how much You care. Let Your fragrance emanate from Christ in me to draw others to Yourself. 

And continue to work out Your Grand Plan of the Ages, using each of us and all of us to further that Plan toward the realization of Your Kingdom in this World on this Earth.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, March 30, 2018

Jonah's Perils

Jonah 1 & 2

This is the story of Jonah. God called Jonah to preach in Nineveh, a city whose people were notorious for being very cruel and heartless, and Israel had experienced some of this cruelty. So Jonah, knowing how kind and forgiving God is, didn't want these people to repent and be forgiven, he wanted God to destroy them, as they deserved. So he headed off in the opposite direction. 

So God caused a great storm on the sea to push Jonah back into obedience, and all the sailors prayed to their own gods to give them relief. Jonah admitted that the storm was his fault, because he was running from the Lord, and to throw him overboard. They didn't want to do that, but they finally relented, so they picked up Jonah, threw him into the sea, and the sea stopped its raging.

When the Lord God Who made the sea and the land instantly calmed the raging sea, they realized that He was much greater than any of their gods. Then the men feared the Lord greatly, and they offered a sacrifice to the Lord and made vows. 

Even Truth proclaimed in the confession of an angry and bitter servant can be used by God. He really is sovereign and will perform His will, in spite of our rebellion. 

But God wasn't finished with Jonah. He had a big fish (not a whale) swallow him so he wouldn't drown. I've seen pictures of other men who had been swallowed whole by big fish, and its digestive juices would have bleached both his skin and his hair into a deathly white. God even used the fish for His purposes. No wonder he had such a dramatic effect on the Ninevites; his appearance added to the message of his words would be needed to push these coarse and jaded people into repentance. 

Jonah thought this must be the end of him, and prayed to the Lord from inside the fish. 

Then God miraculously had the fish vomit him out onto dry land, instead of at the bottom of the sea. If I was a fish with an upset stomach, I would get sick where I'd be most comfortable, at the bottom of the sea. But not this fish. And Jonah took off running! 

I am amazed at how God will do with His servants, His children, to have them carry out what He wants done. I've realized that most of His blessings in this World have human fingerprints on them, and I look back and notice that my own fingerprints have been on some of His blessings to others. God wants us to obey Him willingly, but even if we turn our backs on Him and run in the opposite direction, He is still sovereign and will do what He wants with us. 

Sometimes He must do to us and then in us in order to work through us to others. Just as He did to Jonah in being eaten by a fish, then in him turning back to God and praying for deliverance from death; then He worked through him to show the Ninevites His power and greatness and mercy on even the most egregious of sinners. 

O my Father, I praise You for Your greatness and power to do whatever You want with what You have made. You use our choices, that we make freely within Your parameters, whether in obedience or disobedience, You use anyway to accomplish Your will. In Your Love and generosity, you have made it so that no matter what we choose, You will still do what You have determined ahead of time.

Help me, Father, to always obey You in my choices, always decide to follow Your guidelines in all my ways, so that You will work in and through me more than You do to me to turn me back around. I want Your blessings to flow through me to others unhindered. But more than Your gifts, I want to know You, I want to love You because You have loved me first. I want the Giver more than the gift, I want the Blessor more than the blessings.

I want the fragrance of Christ in me to draw others into that circle of Your family. I want Your presence in Me to be seen and known among those who are still of the World, to pull them out of that bondage and darkness into Your glorious freedom and light. 

Father, keep me firmly in Your hand, to think Your thoughts not my own, say Your words not my own, walk in Your ways not my own.

Draw me ever closer to Yourself, Father, so that You can use me to draw others closer to You also. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

A Dry And Thirsty Land

Psalm 63: 1

A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah

O God, Thou art my God; I shall seek Thee earnestly; my soul thirsts for Thee, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

While David was running from King Saul, he found himself in some pretty rugged terrain. So he wrote about it. 

And he wrote how this "dry and weary land where there is no water" was like how he felt in his relationship with God. As his body was thirsting for water, his soul was thirsting for intimacy with his Lord. 

Isn't that the "happiness" that we are all looking for in this World? Our souls also thirst for the cool water of useful knowledge to satisfy our intellectual and emotional longings, and the relationships that meet our deep soul needs. 

God designed Creation to run on the energy of His Love. That is the order we see in the Universe, and it is the way we are to order our World on this Earth.

He gave us the rules and regulations that express His Love for how to order our lives and raise our crops and administer the ecology of this Earth to produce all the wealth He put into it, for our benefit and His glory.

When we cooperate with how He made it all to work (obey His Law, Matthew 22:37-39), then we will experience the prosperity He wants for us all. But when we rebel against His authority and think we know better (disobey His Law), that's when things fall apart. 

That's when people are motivated by hatred instead of love, and we see the violence that destroys and maligns the innocent and the righteous. This is the program of our enemy, who only wants to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). 

So whatever is promoted in our Societies, we can recognize if it is of God or of our enemy by its outcome. 

If it results in discriminating against some other people group, or even in violence against innocents or godly people; or does not bring an increase of wealth, but only debt; then that would be of our enemy, deceiving us. It's not loving our neighbor.

If it produces bountiful, healthy crops and other riches, and good, loving relationships, then it's of God, and we are to give Him the credit.

But even if it produces wealth, but we experience with it discord in our relationships, or dis-ease in our bodies, then we're not giving God the glory, or we're doing something that is not in alignment with God's ways. 

Jesus told us that even if we gain the whole world, but miss out on the forever eternity He wants for us, then we haven't profited at all (Mark 8:36-37). Temporary results may not pan out in the long run, so we need to look at the big picture in our evaluations, to see if some immediate sacrifice may need to be made, or to have patience to wait out the final results of our enterprises. Instant gratification can result in a long-term loss. 

And we must always love God enough to always put Him first, pray only to Him, and seek after that intimate relationship with Him that He desires with us. To believe everything He has told us, and to trust Him to always do what He's said He would do. If it's a conditional promise--if you do, then I will--we need to make sure we're fulfilling our part of the bargain, not taking any shortcuts.

I don't want my pride to convince me that I can "have it all" without humbling myself before God. After all, He is God, I am not. And in my human flesh I can do nothing that can please Him, even the best, most compassionate things are polluted by the sin-nature I inherited from Adam (Isaiah 64:6). Only in the power of His Spirit living in my spirit can I do anything that He will accept and reward. 

This World is that "dry and thirsty land" that has no means to satisfy my deepest thirsts. Only through the Blood of Christ shed on Calvary as the Lamb of God, to wash my scarlet, crimson sin away and make me white as snow (Isaiah 1:18) can put me in the place of God's blessings, that bring no regret with them. That's the place of oneness with our Creator, that satisfies our every need and longing. That cannot happen if there is any barrier between us, any (missing the mark) sin. Only that perfect Blood can take away the sin that plagues us all. That's why Jesus came. That's how much He loves each one of us. 

O my Father, my dear, dear Father, Thank You so much for all Your Grace and Mercy to draw me to Yourself, teach me what I need to know, and show me the extent of Your great Love for me. Thank You for putting into my life Your Life, and thank You for showering upon me all the goodness and joy that You delight in lavishing on me. 

And I will enjoy praising You and worshiping You and sharing with everyone I can how wonderful You are and how much You love me, forever!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Thy Likeness When I Awake

Psalm 17: 15

As for me, I shall behold Thy face in righteousness; I will be satisfied with Thy likeness when I awake.

This is amazing. King David, the Sweet Psalmist of Israel, knew that he would be resurrected. He realized that he would have the Lord's likeness, he would look like the Lord, when he awoke from death in Resurrection. 

I did not learn this until I read the New Testament. Thank You, Father, for having me live in this time, after Jesus has come, to have this New Covenant with You, and to have the stories and letters recorded for my learning. 

Help me to understand accurately what You have taught Your children through the ages. You are such a Good, Good Father to us! You never leave us hanging for long, hungering after Your Truth. You satisfy our every longing. 

Thank You so much, Father, for teaching me so much of who You are, who I am, how You designed Your Creation to operate, and how to cooperate with You in all I do. 

Protect me and all of Your children from the attacks of the enemy and his minions, to recognize how he twists and mangles Your wonderful Truth into what is harmful and damaging, to destroy those You love. Give me Your words to express Your thoughts to those who are in danger of slipping into the enemy's trap, to rescue them from destruction and pull them out of the fire.

Then You will receive all the honor, all the glory, all the credit for what You have done. You planned it all out before time, and You have carried out all Your plans, using our choices to further Your purposes. And the culmination of all You have designed will be concluded soon. 

Your Son, our Lord God, will return as He promised, and will finish all Your will in this World, this Earth, this Universe.

Meantime, we will "occupy," doing those things that prepare for Your Kingdom. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Naaman's Leprosy

II Kings 5

This chapter tells us about Naaman, a commander in the army of the king of Aram. He had a skin rash that they called leprosy.

Naaman's wife had a captured Isralite girl as her servant who told her that Naaman could go to the prophet in Israel to heal his condition.

So Naaman asked the king if he could have a medical leave to take care of this, and the king sent a letter to his counterpart, the king in Israel. When the king of Israel read the letter, he misunderstood, thinking that he was being asked for healing (or maybe the king of Aram had the misunderstanding), and got upset. 

It was a serious thing for a king to tear his royal robe, and word spread rapidly throughout the region.

Then when Elisha heard, he sent him a message telling him to send the man to him for healing, as he was God's prophet.

So when Naaman came to Elisha, he expected a dramatic performance by this prophet, but all he did was send Gehazi out to tell him to wash seven times in the Jordan River, and Naaman felt disrespected. 

But his servants reminded him that this was a very simple thing, not hard to do, so he went and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, and he was healed! Then Naaman admitted that the Lord God in Israel was above all the other gods in all the other Nations (v. 15). This is God's purpose in choosing Israel, to show that God is God to the other Nations.

But Elisha wouldn't let him pay him for doing the Lord's work.

However, Gehazi saw all the riches Naaman was prepared to give away, so he chased him down, and lied to him to gain a profit for himself, and thought he could hide it from Elisha (even though God told him the secrets of kings and commanders!). 

Gehazi's greed blinded him to the realities he lived with, and caused him to lie to cover it up, knowing he was wrong. As the result, he ended up with the skin rash that had been on Naaman. 

O my Father, let me never try to gain a profit where I have no business dabbling. Please protect me from the greed that would tempt me to use any kind of "dirty money" to finance my life (and travels). 

I know that You have promised to always meet all my needs, and You have, You have even generously given me some of my wants. Help me to continue to look to You as the Provider of all I will need in my seeking to lift up Your Name among the Nations, and among my family and friends and acquaintances here where I am. 

May I always consider You, Your character and reputation, and trust You fully, as I seek to cooperate with You in how You designed this World to work. 

And You will get all the credit, all the glory, forever, for You have done it all. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Elijah And Elisha

II Kings 2: 9-10

Now it came about when they had crossed over, that Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”

And he said, “You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.”

A double inheritance was given to the first born in the family, and this is what Elisha is apparently asking for, but it was not Elijah’s to give. Only if the Lord allowed Elisha to see Elijah taken would he be given this “double portion.”

Vs. 11-13

Then it came about as they were going along and talking, that behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to Heaven. 

And Elisha saw it and cried out, “My Father, my Father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” And he saw him no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them in two pieces.

He also took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and returned and stood by the bank of the Jordan.

So Elisha did see Elijah taken, and God granted him that “double portion.” I haven’t counted, but I’ve heard that Elisha performed twice as many miracles than Elijah had. 

Such a dramatic exit! I don’t think Hollywood will ever out-dramatize our God. 

O my Father, You are so magnificent! You do what no on else can ever do. You perform all Your will, and no one can say anything to you about it. You have all authority to do whatever You want, and what You want to do is always good, the best. 

Thank You so much for Who you are. You alone are God, no matter how many other gods men and angels choose to worship. You alone are worthy of all worship, all praise and honor and credit for everything You have made and accomplished. 

And You are Love. All You have done in Creation and in managing and ruling what You made comes from Love. Even when You must judge and extract vengeance, it all is because your Love is righteous and just. 

Thank You, Father, for chosing me, and allowing Your Son to take my place on that Altar of Atonement, the Cross at Calvary, to pay my sin-debt, and wash me as white as snow. And make me Your princess, to one Day rule with You on Your Throne in Your everlasting, eternal Kingdom.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Demise Of Ahab And Jezebel

I Kings 21 & 22

Chapter 21 tells us about King Ahab wanting to own a vineyard that was next door to his palace where he lived. This vineyard happened to belong to a man named Naboth, who lived there in Jezreel. So Ahab asked Naboth if he could buy his vineyard, since it was next to his house, as he wanted to make it into a garden. But Naboth knew that God had apportioned all the land to each family, and he wouldn't allow his allotment from God to be divided up or this plot to be separated from the rest of the land his family owned. 

So Ahab went to his room to sulk! He was a weak man, and wouldn't even try to think up any other way to get what he wanted. That's why he was dominated by his wife. 

So Jezebel took matters into her own hands, and just had Naboth killed, so he couldn't defend himself from her taking his field, and she gave it to Ahab. 

Then God sent Elijah to Ahab, to denounce him for murdering the man and stealing his land. He told him that, in the place that the dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick your blood, even yours (21:19). This was fulfilled in 22:38, when he died in battle and they washed his blood from his chariot and armor in the pool of Samaria, and the dogs licked up his blood. We get an interesting peek here at the workings in the Spiritual realm that affect this physical plane where we live in 22:19-23. God sees to His Plan being worked out by our choices.

And Elijah also denounced Jezebel, predicting that, dogs would eat her by the wall of Jezreel (21:23); which came to pass in II Kings 9:35-37. It's grisly. It's exactly what God had said would happen to her. 

O my Father, some of Your stories are not pretty, because the evil of this World isn't pretty. It's ugly and disgusting and sickening. 

But one Day You will do away with all the evil and wrong, and Your beauty will shine out on all You have made. And we also will shine with Your glory, Father, and the last enemy, death, will be destroyed, to no more have dominion in all Your realms. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Elijah And Jezebel

I Kings 18 & 19

This passage records Elijah's challenge to the priests of Baal and his running from Jezebel.

18: 24

Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the Name of the Lord, and the God Who answers by fire, He is God.

And all the people answered and said [essentially], That's a good idea.

Baal was considered to be a god of fire, so this made sense to them. They thought, surely, this "god of fire" could answer with fire. Elijah said that they had been "hopping between two forks," "hesitating between two opinions" (18:21). So they tried all morning to get Baal's attention, to no avail.

Then Elijah made the offering to the Lord impossible to burn, drenching it thoroughly with water, and calmly called on the Lord. Who then answered with so much "fire" that not only was the animal consumed, but the very rocks of the altar were melted away, and all the water was sucked up.

So he had all 450 prophets of Baal executed on the spot for blasphemy and lying about God. 

When Jezebel heard how Elijah had killed all her prophets, she threatened to kill him, too. He was so exhausted from the emotional high of God's consuming Fire and running the 17 miles to Jezreel, "and he was afraid and arose and ran for his life" (19:3).

I need to pay attention to my own state. If I allow myself to be hungry or overly tired, that will make me vulnerable.

Then Elijah needed a nap!

19: 5-8

As he slept under a juniper tree, an Angel came with bread and water, and woke him up twice with this Heavenly fare, to strengthen him supernaturally, "because the journey is too great for you." He was to go to Horeb, the Mountain of God, another name for Sinai, in the South-West part of the Sinai Peninsula. There God spoke to Elijah.

He just wanted to give up and die, but God had more He wanted him to do. Here we learn that, "the Lord was not in the wind (storm), ... the Lord was not in the earthquake, ... and the Lord was not in the fire." 

His voice was in "a sound of a gentle blowing;" literally, "the sound of a gentle stillness." God's voice is a very quiet, gentle "knowing" deep in our spirit. 

Have you ever heard His voice? I know I need to be in a quiet place to hear Him, so He won't get drowned out by all the noise the World puts around us constantly. 

19: 15-17 

God had Elijah begin to destroy Baal worship in Israel, and now He wanted him to anoint some people: Hazael as king of Aram (Syria), Jehu as king over Israel (the Northern Kingdom); and Elisha, to mentor him to take his own place as Prophet! V. 17 says, It shall come to pass that he who escapes the sword of Hazael, Jehu shall slay; and whoever escapes from the sword of Jehu, Elisha shall slay. Possibly, to wipe out Baal worship in the Land. 

God does everything to destroy lies, deception, and cruelty. But Mankind will always go back to these atrocities. That explains the persecution of Christians today. 

O my Father, You are God, You can do whatever You want! You can destroy all the lies and deception and cruelty in the World--but to do that, You would have to take away the "free will" that You have given us, and make us robots. You don't want robots or puppets, You want us to freely choose to love You, because You have loved us first. 

I don't know why anyone would not want to get to know You, Father, You are so good and compassionate and wise. But our enemy is still telling people the same idea he deceived Eve with: that we're smart & can make our own decisions, so we don't need God, we can be our own god. We know better. 

Then we wonder why life doesn't go the way we want it to, and we experience disappointments and pain and sorrow. And even when we do know You, and You consider us worthy to go through disappointment and pain and sorrow, and still trust You in it and through it; that is how we grow in Your grace and mercy. 

Help us to learn the lessons You were teaching these ancient peoples. Every generation is made up of new people, who need to be taught Who You are and what You have already done for us. Many generations have come and gone since these people who lived in these olden times, but we are all still human beings, with the same make-up and proclivities of all of Mankind in every age. 

I pray for those people I know, who I love, who are my family, my friends, my acquaintances; and also those who are strangers to me who are reading this blog every day. Please, Father, may my words tell Your Truth accurately, and that they all would understand how wonderful You are in doing everything possible (and even impossible) to show us Who You are, and how righteous your Love is in this Universe, in this Earth, this World, and to every person who lives.

You are not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance and accept Your provision of the Sacrificial Lamb to take our place in the death each of us deserves; so You can wash away the stain of every sin, making us pure and capable of being with You where You are. This is why You sent Your own Son, our Lord Jesus. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, March 23, 2018

Faithful To Do

I Kings 16: 34

In [Ahab's] days, Heil the Bethelite built Jericho; he laid its foundations with the loss of Abiram his firstborn, and set up its gates with the loss of his youngest son Segub, according to the Word of the Lord, which He spoke by Joshua the son of Nun. 

Joshua 6:26 

At that time [when the walls came a-tumblin' down] Joshua, pronounced this solemn oath: Cursed before the Lord is the man who undertakes to rebuild this city Jericho: At the cost of his firstborn son will he lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest will he set up its gates. 

This happened exactly as Joshua said it would. God is always faithful to carry out what He said would happen. This man Heil defied the Lord in rebuilding this city. And he paid with the deaths of his sons to do it. He must not have believed that God really meant what He said. 

This gives me confidence in God doing everything He said He would do, even the things that haven't happened yet. 

This is a detail that reinforces the truth of God's Word. It was a tragic sorrow for this man Heil to accomplish this. We're not told why he wanted to rebuild this city, just that he did. And God fulfilled His Word spoken by Joshua.

He will always do whatever He has said He would do. Many of these "promises" are conditional on, if we do this, then He will do that. If the consequences are negative, then we need to know what not to do. But if the results are positive, then that's what we need to know how to do.

I want to pay attention to everything God has told us. Every book, every chapter of every book, in the whole Bible, has value. God has given us every word in His Word to teach us who He is, who we are, and how to live here where He's put us with the people He has put with us. And how to relate to Him.

People who don't want to know Him, He will not force Himself on. But everyone who seeks Him will find Him, if we seek Him seriously, with our whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13). This is His promise. It's our choice. 

God is not willing that anybody would lose out on Life, but wants for everyone to come to repentance, turn around, and admit they deserve death, and let Jesus take their place on the Cross (II Peter 3:9). Then He will forgive their sin, grant His own Holy Spirit to live in their human spirit, and be alive spiritually, as His child. His prince or princess, to grow up when He glorifies us, to reign with Him on His Throne in His Kingdom. That is God's goal for us (John 17:24). 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Faith Beyond Sense

I Kings 17

Elijah prophesied in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Ahab. This man was very wicked and he married Jezebel, the daughter of the king of the Sidonians and built her a temple to her god Baal, and also made the Asherah. So Elijah was on the run from this evil pair.

Elijah obeyed God even when it really didn't make sense.

When he predicted that it wouldn't rain for a few years, God told him to hide in the Cherith Ravine and drink from the brook there. And the ravens dropped meat and bread for him every morning and evening. So where would these birds get meat and bread? But they did.

Then when the brook dried up, God told him to go to Zerephath in Sidon, for a widow to take care of him. But she was poor and didn't have the food to share with him. So he pronounced a miracle to her, so she fed him. And the miracle happened: her flour jar didn't run out, nor did her oil jar run dry, but kept giving forth for their bread every day! 

I wonder, would I trust God enough to act on what I believe He will do for me, like Elijah did? If I really do believe, then I would hope I would do whatever it is, even it it doesn't make sense in the normal scheme of things. O that my faith would be that strong!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

A Light In The Window

Proverbs 31: 18

... Her lamp does not go out at night.

Most of this chapter of Proverbs lays out all the reasons why a "virtuous woman" is a good wife. This one detail is what I'd like to focus on right now.

It says that, her lamp does not go out at night. I don't think this means that she works all night after working all day. Especially because it also says that, she rises also while it is still night (v. 15), she gets up before the sun rises. She needed to sleep, or she wouldn't have the energy and stamina to do all that she does.

It was the custom for compassionate people to welcome strangers into their homes as they traveled through the towns. If a traveler happened into their town at night needing a place to sleep, it could be dangerous to sleep in the street, so they would look for a house with a light in the window. This woman made sure that the light in her window had enough oil to stay lit all night, to welcome any traveler who needed lodging. This showed her compassion on strangers. She also is concerned for the poor and needy (v. 20). 

May I be one who can display the qualities of a "virtuous woman" in my living every day, doing what I do, sharing with whoever needs what I have to give. 

Father, open my eyes to see the needs around me, that You have enabled me to meet, on behalf of any whose path crosses mine. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Open Your Mouth

Proverbs 31: 8-9

Open your mouth for the dumb [those who cannot speak for themselves], for the rights of all the unfortunate [all the unlucky ones who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time]. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy [those who have no standing].

I suppose there have been those in every age who have no standing before the authorities who rule over them, and have no voice to demand justice in the face of those who do not recognize their humanity. 

In today's world, I would think of all the babies who haven't been born yet, but are judged "inconvenient" in some way, and so are robbed of their humanity and their right to live the life they've begun. People talk about "choice," and we do have a choice over what we do in our lives. But my rights end where your rights begin, and a mother's right of choice ends with the beginning of another person who depends on her. 

This moral territory has been hijacked into the political realm, and those who recognize the humanity of our next generation are being accused of not having compassion for the mother. But it's our enemy, Satan, who comes to kill, steal, and destroy, and he hates us because God loves us. 

So let us use our voices to speak out for those who have no voice or standing. Let us recognize what God's commands based on Love demand of us in all the political and moral and spiritual issues we face in our societies in our own day, today. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, March 19, 2018

Prone To Wander

I Kings 11: 1-9

This tells us that Solomon, in his old age, loved and married women from all the Nations they were to have destroyed in taking their territory, Nations God had told them to not to associate with. 

And these women turned Solomon's heart away from fully following the Lord. He built these wives shrines and altars to their detestable gods Chemosh and Molech and Ashtoreth, these demon-backed deities who demanded disgusting things of their worshipers. He did this even though God had appeared to him twice (v. 9). 

Vs. 11-13

So God told Solomon that He would tear Israel from him, but not in his days, because of his father David, but from his son, the next king, Rehoboam.

Ch. 12

Then Rehoboam was crowned king, and he answered the people harshly, so he lost the majority of the kingdom.

But Jereboam, who became king over the Northern Kingdom, Israel, was fearful that if the people went to Jerusalem three times a year, that they would return to David's dynasty and he would lose the kingdom (vs. 26-27).

Even though God had told Jereboam that He would make his dynasty as great as He will make David's if he followed the Lord (11:38), his faith in God failed him, and he set up golden calves for the people to worship instead of the Lord (v. 28). 

So his dynasty ended, and Israel had a whole litany of different kings, and they all fell into this idolatry. The Northern Kingdom of Israel never did have a "good" king.

Even the Southern Kingdom of Judah had very few kings who worshiped the Lord with their whole heart. 

It is so hard for human beings to remain faithful, we are "prone to wander," even when God reveals Himself to us in so many ways. 

So God has now given us His own Spirit to live inside our human spirits, so He is always there to strengthen us and remind us of who we are in Christ. Even then, some have wandered away; but God won't let them wander for long, He will draw them back into fellowship with Him again. 

O my Father, thank You for Your Spirit. Thank You that You always do everything to guarantee our permanence in Your Family. Thank You that You don't depend on us for anything concerning our relationship with You, and our future with You. You have done everything we need: to draw us, to let us know that Your Son paid the eternal debt we owe for our sin, so that we could be washed white as snow in Your sight; and to lead us and guide us in obeying all Your Law of Love; then grant us such a wonderful future, which is certain, because it's already past to You. 

Jesus came to be with us where we are, so that He could fit us to be able to be with Him where He lives. Where He lives with You, Father. And Heaven will come down to the New Earth, and we will all live together as one, big, happy Family forever! And who can say what wonders and experiences and purposes and joys await us there! 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

God And Wisdom

Proverbs 3 & 4

Chapter 3:

Trust and honor God,
Consider the values of Wisdom,
Be kind and generous with others.

3:10 - Honor the Lord from your wealth, and from the first of all your produce; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats overflow with new wine. 

Trust God enough to give Him the first, even if you don't know if there'll be any more. 

Chapter 4:

Acquire wisdom,
Avoid bad company,
Watch yourself --
   your heart (thoughts and attitudes),
   your mouth (words)
   your eyes (what you focus on), and
   your feet (where you go, what you do).

4:20-23 - My son, pay attention to what I say; Listen closely to My words.
Do not let them out of your sight, Keep them within your heart;
For they are life to those who find them And health to a man's whole body.
Above all else, guard your heart, For it is the wellspring of life.

We are to focus on what our Father God tells us and pay atention to His very Words; we are to think about them continually, and memorize them. It is by God's Word (His Breath) that we have life, that gives good health to our bodies and minds and spirits. Most of all, we are to guard [our] heart, put a guard on our attitudes and thinking processes, for that is where everything else in our life comes from, it all starts in our minds.

When we read His Word, study it, think about how it all works together, how God designed this Earth so that we could form the World of our societies on it, and how, when we're "in tune" with how He designed things to run, then we will experience the benefits He built into it.

Whenever the Nation Israel obeyed God and followed His Laws, then they experienced prosperity. But when all the wealth they created turned their thought processes to thinking that they did it all themselves, then things started to go sour until they lost their prosperity and were enslaved to other Nations. We saw this play out over and over in the Book of Judges.

God has told us all these stories so we can learn from them. When they recognized God as Lord over them, and obeyed His rules, then things went well for them. But when they forgot God, and/or disobeyed His commandments, giving their alegiance to other gods (anything else other than God), that's when things started to fall apart.

When we align ourselves to His ways, and obey the principles He laid down, then we will also experience the prosperity that comes from this Earth. I've seen that even people who don't recognize God, but do follow His ways, then even they, in obeying His Laws, will find that benefit. But even if they prosper so much to gain everything this World offers, in the few days of their life in this Realm, but never realize that God sent His Son for them; then what will they profit, in losing out for the forever of eternity? 

How much better it is to know God, to reverence and respect His authority over us, and learn and follow His guidelines. Then we will find that "rose garden" of prosperity in our lives (remember that roses have thorns, too), and also have all the spiritual and actual gifts He gives to His children, to reign with Him forever!

God has already met all of our needs: physical, emotional, relational, financial, spiritual, every need. We only need Him. It's simple, but not easy. Only He can accomplish it, in His power and in His time. We can't do anything of lasting value of ourselves, only in Him can we accomplish our purposes in life.

And God will receive all the credit, all the honor, all the glory, for He has done it all, He has accomplished all His will, all His purposes are fulfilled, and everything redounded into His Kingdom, to reign Supreme forever.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Maleable In His Hand

Proverbs 16:1

The plans of the heart belong to Man, but the anwer of the tongue is from the Lord.

I am reminded of when my daughter had recently given birth to her second daughter, just a year after her first, and she told me that she had her older child in daycare even though she was not working. 

I was driving to her house in a very negative frame of mind, critical of her putting her tiny toddler into daycare at such an impressionable age when she was home all day. So I prayed and asked the Lord to be with my mouth to not speak harshly to her.

When I got there, as we were conversing, I heard myself saying, "It's good that you're able to put {your older daughter} in daycare so that you can have one-on-one bonding with {your new baby}." I surprised myself with that sentiment. Obviously my Father took control of my words that day!

God really does answer our prayers in practical ways when we ask and expect Him to. And since He is concerned for even small things like this, then I know I can trust Him to answer my bigger and even impossible requests. 

O my Father, thank You so much that You are God! You have all power to do everything You decide to do, no matter what it would take. You made everything that exists with just a Word! We are Your imagination--whatever you think about is our reality. 

You can change my words to reflect a different heart attitude, and by that my heart attitude can be changed to what You had my words express. I don't know how You did that, but I am maleable in Your hand, my Lord; shape me, mold me, do with me whatever You choose, to make me into Your masterpiece.

And You will receive all the credit, all the honor, all the glory for everything You are doing to me, and in me, and through me to others. And I will praise Your Name forever. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Friday, March 16, 2018

So That All The Peoples

I Kings 8: 41-43, 60

Solomon's dedication prayer for the First Temple:

Concerning the foreigner who, comes and prays toward this House, to answer his prayer, in order that all the peoples of the Earth may know Thy Name, to fear Thee, as do Thy people Israel ...

So that all the peoples of the Earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no one else. 

God's intent in choosing one Nation out of the Nations of the World to give them His Law and build Him a Temple was to draw all the Nations, all the peoples of the Earth to recognize Him as our Lord God, alone over the whole of Creation. 

His purpose has always been to call to Himself people from every tribe, every family, every Nation, every language, so that there would eventually be only one flock with one Shepherd (John 10:16). 

O my Father, Thank You for telling us all the stories of Your people's lives. Thank You that You have shown us both their good decisions and the beneficial results; and the foolish, disobedient choices they made, and the consequences of them, too. So we could learn how to do well, taking their experiences as our own, and realizing the outcomes in our own lives. 

Father, help me to follow Your ways. Show me how to take to heart all of these ancient peoples' lives, and to learn from their mistakes and good choices. Grant me discernment to understand the good and evil, the right and the wrong. Give me Your words to tell and explain to others the practical lessons You are teaching me. 

And use these words to draw many to Yourself, Lord Jesus, through Your obedience to Your Father and our Father, to be that Sacrifice offered once for all, and individually for each of us for Salvation. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, March 15, 2018

To Discern

I Kings 3: 3, 5 & 9

God is so generous! He offered Solomon a blank check: Ask what you wish me to give you (v. 5).

Since Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David (v. 3), he was concerned for his being able to govern this great people. So he asked for an understanding heart to judge Thy people to discern between good and evil (v. 9).

This pleased God, that his focus was on the people, rather than on himself and his own welfare. So God gave him unrivaled wisdom, and it resulted in great riches and honor and peace.

O my Father, I realize that financial wealth, an upstanding reputation and popularity, and heartfelt peace and happiness all are results, consequences of knowing You and following Your ways: how You determined this World to operate and function. When we listen to You and obey Your rules and regulations, realizing that this is how we love one another, then Your blessings of this World will flow into our lives. 

And when we love You, in response to how You have loved us, then You will draw us to Yourself, teaching us Who You are, to the extent of our brain power to understand. And when we continue to seek You, then You extend and expand our capacity to know You in that personal, passionate, and intimate way You love us. 

Father, thank You for showing us David's and Solomon's lives in order to teach us how they followed You, and the results that come of following Your ways. And also the consequences of not following Your laws, transgressing Your Law.

Help me, Father, to always consider You and Your ways, and Your love for me, in every decision, every choice I make every moment of every day. Help me to "practice the presence of God," as Brother Andrew learned. 

And keep me in Your precious Hand, wrapped in Your warm embrace, Daddy, until You send Your Son, my Lord Jesus, to return to this broken World.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Man Of Peace

I Kings 2

This chapter recounts how Solomon made his rule secure, after all the intrigue and controversy surrounding who would be David's successor.

Solomon dealt wisely with these people, and gave them every chance he could to make right the wrongs they had done. 

His executioner was a military man, who he made his General over his army. So Solomon never killed any other man, there was no blood on his hands personally. 

All he did was to ensure that justice had been done against these rebellious and scheming adversaries.

David had wanted to build God a magnificent Temple, instead of the tent of the Tabernacle, and God was pleased with his desire to honor Him this way. 

But David was a man of war, who had killed many in battle, and God determined that a man of peace would build His Temple. Solomon was this man of peace.

O my Father, You are so good. You have planned out all our days, before even one of them has come to pass. You knew that Solomon would do this in Your honor, and You told David so before it came to pass.

O Father, I realize that everything that happens in this World always comes only to pass away, for the new to replace. Whether that means generations of people, or epochs of climate. But through it all, You are in control; and the Sun, Moon, and Stars, and the seasons and day and night will not cease until You have determined the end of Time as we know it on this Earth.

In the meantime, while we are here now, help us, Father, to seek Your face, to learn Your ways, and to love You and one another, as You have designed it all to work. Teach us how You want us to "occupy" until Jesus' Return.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Praise The Lord!

Psalm 149: 3

Let them praise His Name with dancing.

150: 4

Praise Him with timbrel and dancing.

Psalms 148-150 are songs of praise to God for all He has made, in all ways to express this homage.

The dancing they performed before the Lord was not what our society considers as dancing; not a romantic coming together of two people in a sensuous movement of embrace. No, it was the leaping and turning in joy for all the Lord is, what He has made, and all He has done. 

We are to give praise to God in every manner we can find: with every instrument, from every created realm, with every faculty of humanity.

He deserves it all, and more, forever.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Understanding Is Life

Psalm 119: 144, 160

Thy testimonies are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live. 

God's rules govern all living and other things. Today we call some of them the Natural Laws, that govern how living things and elements interact and function. 

The better I understand how all this works together, the healthier I can be and the better I can get along in my relationships. 

And the closer I can align my attitudes and thinking processes with my Father's ways, then the closer fellowship I can experience with Him, too. 

By His testimonies I can live.

The sum of Thy Word is Truth, and every one of Thy righteous ordinances is everlasting.

All truth is God's Truth. Whatever people believe that is not according to God's Word is a deceptive lie. God is true and His Truth will last forever, because He is eternal. 

Psalm 139: 23-24

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.

This familiar verse is one I have prayed for many years. 

Now I am seeing it new, and it confirms that whatever is contrary to God's ways, anything that does not please Him (sin), is also hurtful, damaging to me. Damaging to my health, my relationships with others, and with my fellowship with God my Father. His ways are my life, in every sense. 

O my Father, You are good, everything You do is good. Everything You think, everything You plan, everything You do all comes from Love. You are Love, and Your Love put the order into this Universe. Your Love runs all the machinery of how the stars and planets relate to one another. Your Love designed this Earth for us, and placed us here to manage it. Your Love chose one family to receive Your Law, the Instructions for living. You intended for this family to show the rest of the World how good You are, how much You love us all, so that they can also know You and follow Your ways. 

Your Love sent Your own Son, the Lord God of the Old Testament, to fulfill the letter of all the Law You gave Moses at Sinai, and His death fulfilled all the sacrificial laws. Now the prophesies of Your putting Your Law in our hearts are fulfilled, with Your Holy Spirit in each of our spirits, giving us spiritual Life, and teaching us how to Love, the foundation and basis of all Your Law. How to love ourselves, how to love one another, and how to love You back. 

Thank You, Father, for Your Love! You are Wonderful, and the impossible for me is Your reality for me. Thank You for doing everything possible to draw us to Yourself, to meet all our needs, to bless us and to teach us and to bring us to Yourself. Thank You for wanting me to spend Eternity with You where You are. 

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ask, Seek, Knock

Psalm 119: 7-11

Aleph: ...
I shall give thanks to Thee with uprightness of heart, When I learn Thy righteous judgments. 
I shall keep Thy statutes; do not forsake me utterly!

How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Thy word. 
With all my heart I have sought Thee; Do not let me wander from Thy commandments.
Thy word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against Thee.

Psalm 119 is all about how God blesses the one who pays attention to His rules, learns them, and lives his life according to them, thinking through every choice and decision in the light of what God has said about it. 

This writer realizes how beneficial it is to value God's instructions, and follow them meticulously. God has shown us in His Word everything we need to know to see how what we say and do can coordinate with how He designed things to work. When we follow the Manufacturer's Instructions to run this World, then the Earth will respond with a favorable outcome. This is how God blesses those who obey His commandments. 

When we study the whole Bible, then we can see how all 66 books tell one continuous story: the story of how God made us and provided for us and met all our needs. How He showed His people how to cooperate with Him, and what His Son will accomplish, which He did, and the wonderful future He has planned for those who are His own.

When God brought His people to the land He promised to give to Abraham, He made sure that they would know how to live there to gain the greatest benefit He wanted to give them; then other Nations would see how blessed they were and come to worship God, too, instead of their idols.

But the book of Judges shows us how whenever they did obey and were blessed, they started to congratulate themselves and forget God; then others took advantage of them and took all their benefits; then they would cry out to the Lord and He would rescue them, and they would be blessed again. Over and over we see this pattern repeated, because this is how our human nature responds. 

When Satan confronted Eve, he convinced her that if she ate from that particular tree, then she wouldn't need God any more, she could make her own decisions and not bother Him. 

Satan is still telling Mankind the same lie. If we just put forth the effort, and use our own intelligence, we can have anything we want without submitting to God and His rules. But the methods the World has found to gain benefits are God's rules, that's why they work. 

We are to ask, to seek and to knock (Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:9-10). When we know what God wants to give us, and we ask Him, believing that He hears us and answers us, then our faith has brought about the good result we wanted and He gets the glory (see Matthew 9:22, 29: 17:20: 21:21: Mark 5:34: 10:32: Luke 5:30: 7:50: 8:48: 17:6, 19: 18:42). 

Satan has taught the World this faith principle, but subtracted God out of it, and tells people to "ask the Universe." Then they can boast of their own abilities to gain the wealth they want: they rob God of the credit and glory He deserves.

But what profit will anyone gain to have an abundance in these few days of life on this Earth, but lose out on the forever eternity God wants us to have with Him? But if someone doesn't want to be with God, then He won't force them. He has given us a will that is free to choose or reject Him and His ways.

The writer of this Psalm understands the value and worth of studying and knowing the rules and instructions of Life, and following them, obeying God in his very thoughts and attitudes and words. And he knows that God will not forsake him, because He will answer. He knows that he can live his life in integrity and purity by following His statutes. And then he will guard against wandering away from that righteous path and missing the mark.

O my Father, help me to know what You want for me and ask You for it; to seek, to look for the ways to understand how to obtain what I'm asking You for; and to knock, to do what needs to be done, as Your hands and feet in this World, promoting Your Kingdom. Then I know that You will answer me, You will show me what to do and where to go, and You will enable me by giving me the strength to accomplish the dream You have given me to fulfill. 

And I will give You all the credit, all the glory for what You are doing in and to and through me.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!